Checkout our store finder for a full list of retailers that carry Culina!
Unfortunately, we are not offering a direct shipping service yet. Here are a few ways you can use to get Culina delivered right to your doorstep or car. All of these avenues require Culina to be sold locally. If you have any questions, feel free to email us-
we’re on standby to help!
You can order Culina Yogurt from Whole Foods directly through Amazon Prime! For Prime members they offer free 2-hour delivery for orders at least $35!
Instacart’s website is here, or you can download from the app store on your phone. Instacart is $7.99 for one-hour delivery or $5.99 for two-hour or more delivery (you can select one-hour time windows), though the price can increase at particularly busy times. For free two-hour delivery on orders $35+, you can pay a $149 yearly membership. A tip gets added on automatically.
Use Instacart to order your Culina Yogurt from:
Erewhon Market | Sprouts | Central Market | Wheatsville Co-op | Natural Grocers | Mother’s Market | Jimbo’s
You can go to these retailer’s websites for grocery pick-up and/or delivery.
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